Aleena S.

Content Creator.  Communication Designer.  Brand Storyteller. Blog Writer.

Messy. Fun. Real.

How it all started to how it is going…

From a clueless rookie to working with big names, spilling the beans so you can relate and get inspired.

Content Writer blog

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Blog author content writer

What this blog is about?

Hop on board as I spill the beans about my content creation escapades and the hilarious twists and turns of my daily shenanigans – consider this blog your backstage pass to the chaos and creativity of my life!

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Personal Blogs

my writing journey
How I started my writing journey back in 2021? It was a pure dramatic realization that I am sure you can relate to too.
not-so-beautiful bouquet story
Know the story behind the not-so beautiful bouquet that traveled 374,026 meters all the way from Islamabad to Lahore.
my journey in mass comm
How I chose a degree and how it turned out to be the best decision of my life? I’m spilling all the beans here.

Lifestyle Blogs

Business Blogs

Blog author content writer

About the blog's author

Hey, Aleena here! I’ve been whipping up content for 4+ years. Obsessed with creativity and bringing fresh perspectives to life – here to share my journey with a side of chill vibes!

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